Business Owners Toolbox Blog Discussions and articles to help the small business owner solve the challenges they face as they grow their business.

April 14, 2011

How to sharpen your entrepreneurial skills

from a LI question by Lalit Bhojwani

My answer. Join or create a forum where you can match wits with other entrepreneurs.

My business is leading ongoing advisory groups of business owners. Just took eight of them on a three day retreat to a remote spot with no internet or cell connection. We took turns brainstorming on our vision, our opportunities, our challenges, our “elephants in the room.” Friendly and supportive but hard-hitting. People came away with business-changing ideas and plans.

This is a great way to sharpen entrepreneurial skills among people who are already entrepreneurial.

April 5, 2011

Bootstrapping. How did you start your company?

Filed under: Entrepreneurship — Tags: , , — Mike Van Horn @ 2:48 pm

LinkedIn question from Marie-Dolores Anderson. She selected my response as Best Answer!

My answer: I bought my training/consulting company–for something like $1,000–from the guy who wanted out. I worked from home. I did shoe leather marketing. I traded for services, such as printing. People paid me in advance.

As a result, I was profitable from the beginning, and never had significant debt.

This turned out to be a problem, however. Since I relied on organic growth rather than rustling up growth capital, I grew slower, and was eventually overtaken by VC-backed competitors. I still have a good business, but not as large as I had hoped.

So bootstrapping, while often necessary, is limiting. Get past this strategy as rapidly as possible.

April 4, 2011

Can Your Business Run Itself?

Filed under: Entrepreneurship,Growth Management — Tags: , , — Mike Van Horn @ 10:34 am

I.e., can you ever take a vacation?

“If I leave, my business will fall apart!” Does this sound like you? Want to change that? Then ask yourself: What must happen so that you feel comfortable taking a three-week vacation—without your cell phone? “Three week vacation?” asks the owner of a busy store incredulously. “When I look at my floor managers, I fear taking a three-day weekend!”

What’s the #1 requirement for a stress-free vacation? You must have good people in place. The better your people, the longer you can safely be away. Some of us have “long weekend assistants”—that is, we can rely on them if we take off a Friday or Monday—and some of us have “world cruise assistants.” It’s a great feeling to return after a sojourn to Italy and find everything running smoothly. 

Do you say, “The business is me”? If so, then you can never leave. What do you handle in your business that no one else can? This is what limits the length of your absences. Start by listing the tasks and responsibilities that someone would have to handle in your absence. How frequently must these tasks be done? 

More prep = longer trips. How many high-level tasks can your people handle? The more lead-time you have, the more you can do to prepare them. Here are four levels: 

Level 1. Delegate tasks to those already capable of handling them. Takes a few days to do this, and allows you to be gone a few days. 

Level 2. Simplify tasks so that others can more easily do them. This process can take a few weeks. 

Level 3. Train your people to take on more. This may take a month or two. 

Level 4. Hire and groom the person who can run your business in your absence. May take six months to hire and train this person, but then you can be gone for an extended time. 

Perhaps you should start with a short trip. See how your people do when you are gone for a week, and work up to longer trips. Your people gain confidence, and you gain confidence in them. 

No cell phone on the beach. While you are gone, how often should you check in? Again, the more you trust your people to handle whatever comes up, the less you worry about this. DO NOT keep your cell phone with you 24/7. Instead, set specific times when you will check in with them. Be reachable in an emergency, but make sure they understand what constitutes an emergency. 

How did it go? 
When you finally go and then return, de-brief your people: How did they do? What went well? Where did problems arise? What should you do differently next time? Time after time owners report to me, “There were a few glitches, but things went amazingly well.”

“How to Have a Life” lessons for the busy business owner. 

1. Schedule your vacations far in advance. Put them on your calendar, buy the airline tickets, tell people you are going, and start making the work preparations.

2. Hire, train, and retain the best people—those who can free you up. Don’t let mediocre people keep you chained to the office. 
Do this even if you have only one part-timer.

3. This is about more than vacations. Running your business this way is the route to growth, profitability, and ease. 

The booby trap. You return, everything has gone well; your people have stepped up to the challenge and handled things better than you anticipated. But within a week or so, they fall back into the habit of relying on you more than they have to. 

Ah, yes! That’s the topic for another post.

Have a question about how your business can run well in your absence? Post it on my blog.

Can You Afford a $100,000 Manager?

Filed under: Growth Management — Tags: , , — Mike Van Horn @ 10:29 am

“Promote yourself to CEO!” I’m always exhorting the business owners I work with. Too many of us run our companies from a manager’s or supervisor’s perspective. We’re there in the trenches, directing our people, doing lots of little jobs ourselves. We work long hours—sometimes evenings and weekends. We work this hard because we’re growing our businesses, and we know we have to put in the sweat equity.

But this gets old! “I have to wear a nametag so my kids will recognize me!” complained one business owner. We see ourselves heading toward burnout; we can’t possibly work this way indefinitely.

You miss opportunities. With your head down, running the day-to-day operation, you’re not paying attention to the big picture. You miss windows of opportunity that are opening, strategic alliances beckoning, and threats peeking over the horizon. Your company has no chief executive. Your company’s growth and profitability are held back because you neglect being presidential.

But you can’t promote yourself to president unless you have a strong manager in place. Managing the day-to-day operation cannot be ignored. If you don’t have someone in place, you must do it yourself.

Good managers are expensive—and they are overhead! Whether you call it general manager, operations manager or whatever, this person can cost you $80 to $150,000 per year. And as everyone in a professional service firm knows, top managers aren’t usually billable to clients. Their pay is mostly overhead. This fact alone keeps many small business owners from hiring a general manager. You just can’t stand to hire this “non-productive” person. You forget, of course, that this pulls you—whose time is even more valuable—into the top manager’s position and away from being president.
How can you justify spending $100k? Where does this $100,000 come from?

Here’s a story: A growing professional service firm will soon have ten highly paid technicians in the field working with customers. With every new technician hired, the owner’s scheduling and oversight responsibility increases. He’s tearing his hair out, working evenings and weekends, and the job isn’t getting done well.

I asked him, would a good operations manager be able to improve productivity by, say, $10,000 per technician per year? “Heck yes!” was his answer. “By better scheduling, better job selection, billing for all the work done, handling change orders properly, upselling the customers, training to improve skills, etc.” All of a sudden, the $100k salary didn’t sound so daunting.

He got excited. “A good ops manager would enable us to hire another 8 to 10 technicians—almost doubling our revenue. The addition to our bottom line would be much more than double what he costs.

You get to become president. Most important, hiring this manager frees the owner up to focus on business development, handling the most challenging projects, watching overall performance. “If I’m freed up, I can easily bring in that business.”

“I’d be crazy not to hire him.”

You deserve not to work so hard. Your new manager also allows you to take more time off. More time for family, more vacations, more time for your avocation, hobbies, or community service. More time for watching the waves and clouds!

More time or more money? As your business grows and profits, you can choose to pay yourself more. Or you can buy time off by hiring really good help who can run the business in your absence.

Bigger vision. “As soon as my new GM had a firm grasp of the day-to-day, I started seeing ways we could grow, and opportunities appeared that I had been blind to,” said the owner of a small financial services office I work with.

This is the joy of running a successful small business.

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