Business Owners Toolbox Blog Discussions and articles to help the small business owner solve the challenges they face as they grow their business.

August 20, 2012

Finance Without Collateral

Filed under: Finances — Tags: , , , — Mike Van Horn @ 10:42 pm

Q. How can I finance a small business project without collateral?  Asked on High Table by Shehzad Aman

A. Here are a few ways to finance without collateral.

1. Your savings. You should be as demanding on yourself as a banker would be to demonstrate the viability of your proposal.

2. Your family or friends. They may loan to you without collateral because they know and trust you. Your obligation to repay is even stronger than it is with a bank.

3. Crowd funding. It’s the latest rage. I have read a lot about it, but I’m not sure how successful people have been raising capital this way. Who can get it, for what amounts and purposes? What promises do they have to make?

4. Your own creditworthiness. If you have a good credit score and good relationship with your bank, you should  be able to get a non-recourse loan for several thousand dollars.

5. Charging it on your credit cards–the all-time worst way to fund a business, yet one that is used all the time.

To borrow money without collateral, you need strong and trusting relationships with people who have money.

Some may suggest venture capital. But VCs aren’t interested in “small.”

There may be business development grant or loan from a foundation or government agency, but this is not something to count on. None of my clients have ever gotten enough capital this way to start a business.

Perhaps you are being too restrictive by saying “with no collateral.” Ask yourself what kind of collateral you have. For example, if you purchase equipment, the equipment itself serves as collateral.

*   *   *   *

Shehzad, I answered this question as if you were in the U.S. But it looks like you are in India. I know nothing about the small business banking sector there. I suspect that personal relationships are even more important. But there may also be business development loans from some agency that wouldn’t be available here.


How to Avoid a Get-Rich-Quick Mentality

Q. That desire to get rich quick is the bane of small business growth. I want my business to grow gradually and steadily. Asked on by Mbanude Izuchukwu.

A. This is an excellent question, because so many entrepreneurs fail to take your attitude.

I think the best way to do this is to surround yourself with a small group of  savvy business owners to act as an informal group of advisers. Here’s how to do this:

My business is leading such groups here in California. My groups–with no more than ten members–meet each month. You explain to them your business, your plans and goals, and your strategies, and they help in several ways:

— You present your plans to them. Doing this forces you to create plans that make sense, and that aren’t too ambitious.

— By having to explain your goals and strategies to them, they can keep you from making expensive mistakes. Sometimes you are being too bold, as you are concerned about. But sometimes you are being too timid, and you need to think bigger. And they will tell you either way.

— You help them with their problems in turn, and you learn just as much doing that.

— They serve as role models for you. You learn a lot by seeing how they solve their problems.

— If you think your problems are unique with you, they are much harder to overcome. But when you see that many others have dealt with the same problems, they don’t seem as overwhelming.

How do you find or build such a group? I would start with local business organizations, and look for those who have growing businesses, who seem savvy, who are willing to learn from others, and who aren’t competitors. The more diverse kinds of businesses you have, the better. The people must be trustworthy to keep confidential whatever is discussed in the meetings.

A group like this is a very powerful tool for growth, and for avoiding bad mistakes.

August 13, 2012

Using a Business Coach or Life Coach

Question from Amanda Carter, on LinkedIn. Have you ever sought the assistance of a Business or Life Coach?

My answer. I’m in the coaching and consulting business, but even so, I have used a variety of coaches. For example:

Business owner round tables. First, my business is leading groups of 10 business owners who act as informal advisers for each other. I have belonged to one of these groups led by another. Getting feedback and accountability from hard-headed biz owners each month is invaluable.

Even though I lead these groups for others, I need one for my own business just as much as anyone else.

Mastermind groups. Secondly, I have belonged to informal mastermind groups. Right now, five consultants and I have a “social media acceleration group” which meets virtually each month to help each other master various aspects of social media. We’ve helped each other with Twitter, Facebook, blogging, webinars, ebooks, video clips, etc. We stay focused on just these issues.

Accountability partners. I’ve had accountability buddies, where we help each other do something tough. Most recently, we’ve both been completing ebooks and getting them published. Knowing I’ve promised her to have the next section completed by Tuesday keeps me on it.

Writing coach. Finally, when I was writing a book, I hired a writing coach. She helped keep me on schedule, but also gave feedback on arrangement of material, etc.

Life coach. I’ve never had a life coach per se, because I’ve never had uncertainty about my life goals or how to pursue them. I have three lifetimes of things to do. My issue is getting things completed.

Why do I use coaches? I’m a collaborator, and collaboration is my catalyst to creativity. I work much more effectively by talking things out than by working away by myself all the time.

Don’t be the Lone Ranger. Small business owners get stuck in this trap of not having anybody to talk to about challenges in their business. If you work isolated, you make dumb and expensive mistakes.

Raising Seed Capital or Licensing a Formula

Filed under: Entrepreneurship,Finances,Innovation — Tags: , , , , — Mike Van Horn @ 10:33 pm

Question on from Amar S. How do we find partners to help fund and license our concept? I am part of a two physician team that has a formula for an appetite-suppressing meal replacement bar. The concept allows us to take any soup and turn it into a bar. Our initial focus will be to produce vegan/vegetarian, allergy-free, low carb, low fat, high protein and kosher bars. We have a great idea, but we are having trouble finding established companies to partner with for development.

My answer. Amar, the farther along you can develop your idea, the easier it will be to attract interest from potential backers or licensees, and the more control you’ll be able to maintain. Very few established companies are interested in helping you develop such a product from an untested idea.

You say you have a formula, a concept. If I were an investor, I would be more interested if you had produced some initial batches, conducted tests with them, and tried them out with the kinds of people who would be your consumers. What did they like and not like? If it’s for weight loss, did they have any results? What about packaging and shelf life?

As a potential investor, I would want to see what processes you used, what equipment, how it would scale up, what sets it apart from similar products. How would the production costs pencil out against the likely retail price point, after backing out all the distribution channel costs? Does it require testing and approval from any regulatory agencies? How are the processes and products protectable? Are there pieces you can patent?

Where and how would it be sold? Would it be a grocery item? Health food or natural food stores? Sold online? How would it be marketed initially?

You’ve been in a service and consulting business. Now you’re looking at a manufacturing and distribution business. It takes a different mindset and skill set. You might say, “We just want to sell or license the concept to a big player, then wash our hands of it.” But even if you find a taker, you’ll realize the least return from this approach. You’ll lose control, and somebody else will make most of the money.

I’d look for three things first:

1. Raise some seed capital to do the things I outlined above. At the earliest stage, this money usually comes from your savings, family, or a true believer. (For example, a client of mine who produces gluten-free products has been approached by a VC who has celiac disease. BUT, she has been in operation for several years, and has a track record of growth.)

2. Partner with a person experienced in taking such products to market, with operational, marketing, fund raising experience. Not that he/she is an expert in all three areas, but has been there in the trenches

3. Find an attorney who can advise you how to protect your formulations and processes through patents, trademarks, etc.

August 6, 2012

How to Price Your Services

Filed under: Finances — Tags: , , , , , — Mike Van Horn @ 9:35 pm

For consultants, contractors, and other professionals

How much money do you leave on the table? . . . how many jobs do you lose? . . . by the way you price your work?

This is a regular issue of discussion at our Business Group meetings. I’ve pulled together notes from several such discussions.

I would love your questions and feedback on this topic.

Hourly or fixed fee?

You should never work on a fixed fee for a poorly-defined project or one of unknown scope.

When to use an hourly rate (e.g., time and materials):

– At the beginning of a job, before you have a handle on it

– For parts of the job that inherently cannot be defined (e.g., for landscapers, “rocks and roots;” for remodelers, dry rot; for bookkeepers and programmers, repairing the goofy things your predecessor did).

An hourly rate with a cap on fees acts as a fixed price where you accept the downside risk but have no upside opportunity.

When to accept fixed fee basis, monthly fee or retainer:

– For a routine continuing task, where the scope is known and agreed upon

– For a definable new task

– If your fee is fat enough to cover contingencies.

Define the scope of the job. Answer these questions for each job: Exactly what will you do? What are the deliverables? What is not included? What do you charge for extras?

Specify the add-on services you can make available (at an extra price, of course).

Here are other terms of your client agreement that affect pricing and billing:

– Duration of agreement or contract.

– Payment terms. How much up-front deposit? When you will invoice and how soon they must pay. (Can you get payment upon completion of service? Do you accept payment by credit card?)

– Their responsibilities and timing. They must do what and by when?

– With whom you will interface and how?

– How the contract can be terminated by either party?

– When do you have the right to raise your rates?

Monthly Retainers?

Sometimes the term “retainer” scares clients. It looks to them like an ongoing contractual commitment. (Have you seen the computer commercial where the consultant says with a sheepish grin, “We are contractually entangled”?) Instead, ask for a standard monthly commitment. “For a business your size, for your needs, you probably need about ________hours per month.”

Specify your regular scope of work under the retainer. “For this many hours we can probably handle the following tasks: ______.”
These tasks probably fall into the following categories:

1. Right now problems to be solved, work to be done. This is what you’re being hired to do.

2. Ongoing follow-up and support to ensure implementation.

3. Proactive projects to be handled when other requirements are completed for the time being. (I.e., non-time-sensitive things you do when urgent tasks are handled so that they don’t think you are twiddling your thumbs and billing them.)

List and describe all these carefully, so that you will know when some request falls outside the agreed-upon scope.

Specify extra charges. For what things will the billing level be increased? Some examples:

– Tasks outside the specified scope; special projects

– Handling crises, emergencies

– Delays and extra work caused by the client not meeting their agreements with you (!!)

– Rush work that requires you (or your employees) to work evenings or weekends or shift around scheduled work with other clients

Your monthly billing must include time spent preparing reports, phone calls, attending periodic meetings and reviews, managing the project, and doing research.

Different billing rates?

You may be tempted to charge different rates for:

a) Working a greater number of hours. Suppose your hourly rate is $150 for a small number of hours. For a larger number of hours, you may legitimately give a discount because your cost of marketing and administration is reduced as a percentage of the billing on that job. But it’s also fine to keep it at $150.

b) Different tasks, e.g. tasks that require a different level of skills. For example, you may think you should charge a lower rate when you are doing lower-skilled tasks. But if so, you should also charge a much higher rate when you do your highest-skilled tasks. Often, thinking things through and coming up with excellent solutions to problems is the highest value you bring. Your rate should be $500 or $1,000 per hour at such times.

If you are tempted to charge a lower rate for lower-skilled parts of the work, then it’s time to consider hiring or assigning a lower-skilled person to do that part and pay them half to a third of what you bill them out for.

If the entire job seems worthy of only a lower rate, then it is probably not a good job for you.

Should you bill for thinking? What if you wake up at 3:00am with the million-dollar solution to your client’s problem? How much do you bill them? This could be the most valuable thing you do for them. (Make sure you turn the light on and write it down!) This shows the difficulty of billing by the hour. What would you say on your invoice, “Million dollar idea: 10 seconds”?

Should you bill for research? Some consultants say, “I’m the expert; they expect me to already know all this stuff, so how can I bill them for researching things for their job?” I question this belief. Are they hiring you because you already know everything, or for your ability to efficiently find out what they need to know? Ask your attorney: do they bill you for the time they spend researching case law in all those books that line their office walls? You betcha! Obviously you must know the basics of your profession, but beyond that, bill for research. You might tell your client up-front about how much time you expect to spend on research. A rule of thumb: the more you are expected to know without looking it up, the higher your rate should be.

Should you bill for travel time? To keep your business profitable, you have two choices: a) bill for travel time (yours and your employees’), or b) set rates high enough to incorporate unbilled travel time. Options:

– Don’t bill for travel time to nearby clients: only when travel miles are greater than, say, 30 minutes.

– Don’t bill for travel time if you spend more than _____ hours per day on site.

– Have clients come to you. Charge a lower rate if they come to you.

– Conduct some meetings via phone or do some work online.

What’s your hourly rate?

What is the proper pay rate for a lead consultant? One consultant found that competitors charge $180–$210 per hour. $160 seemed too low: she wouldn’t be taken seriously. Perhaps $185 is right. Recommendation to her from other consultants: “Make the first digit 1 rather than 2.”

Other ways of looking at pricing:

– Value-added pricing approach. What is this job worth to them? What does it cost them not to have it done? Set your price based on this.

– What do the big guys charge? If the client doesn’t hire you, how much will they have to pay someone else for work of equal quality? If your rate is too much below this, they probably won’t hire you, because you don’t seem credible.

Negotiate your rate?

Should you leave som­e negotiating room on the price? Some say “yes,” but I am against it. Don’t cut prices unless you also cut scope. However, you might say,

– “I can reduce the hourly rate by 10% if you commit to using us for at least ______ hours per month.”

– “The rate for hiring a Principal is $185, and our lead consultant bills at $165.”

– Reduce the scope: “For the price you want to pay, here’s what we can provide.”

– Or resell them on value. Why are you worth your rate?

Billing vs. pay rates

Profitable companies bill out their skilled employees for (at least) three times their pay rate. Thus if you pay an employee $50 per hour, bill them for $150. If you can only bill $120, then you should pay no more than $40.

For an independent subcontractor, this ratio should be at least 2 to 1.

Why should you get 2/3 of the money, you filthy capitalist pig? Here’s why:

– To contribute to your direct employees’ benefits, their pay for unbillable hours, their pay for work that goes over budget

– Overhead. Contribution to facilities cost, insurance, administration, marketing, etc.

– You must pay employees (and even subs) on time, regardless of when you collect the receivable. You are the banker.

– Marketing cost. You brought in the job. You must recoup the cost of time spent on all the jobs you didn’t get. For example, if you get one out of three of the jobs you bid on, then the one you get must cover the bidding cost of the two you didn’t get.

– Management cost. You may have to devote some unbillable time to managing their work.

– Entrepreneurial risk. You take the risk for business reverses and interruptions, the risk of not getting paid by the client, the liability for lawsuits, the obligation for leases, etc.

– Profit from operations. You are supposed to make money on every aspect of your business.

– Return on your investment. You put the company together and built it up. Your organizational skill, teambuilding, training, and creativity are essential and deserve an ongoing return.

All this is in addition to the amount you pay yourself for time spent on the job.

I assert that if you bill for less than twice what you pay your people, you actually lose money out of your pocket for each hour they work.

At the very least, this practice is a sign that your business model needs tuning: you are estimating poorly, underpricing, overpaying, or going after the wrong kinds of jobs or customers.

Exceptions. Pay a larger proportion of billings for valuable extraordinary contributions, e.g.:

– Rainmaker. Someone who brings in good clients or generates extra business with current ones

– Creator. Someone who develops new intellectual property that allows you to bring in increased billings.

Raising rates

It’s easiest to raise rates for new clients. But if there is a large disparity in rates between new and old clients, then you will begin to resent the lower-paying ones. It’s then time to raise your rates, or fire these customers. If your rate is below market, and your client leaves you because you raise rates, then they will end up paying even more, so why would they leave you? You know it’s time to raise your rates if your clients tell you you’re under-priced.

Should you take jobs on commission?

Have a sliding scale? Give a lower rate for non-profits or start-ups? Before you do any of these, make sure you have enough full-rate work to maintain a viable business that pays you well. Then, if you wish, set a certain percentage of your projects that you will do at a different rate. But beware! These projects are time eaters. If you are working for me on spec or for a very low rate, I have no compunctions about asking you to do just a little more.


And finally, here is my Rule #1 for pricing:

“Never subsidize anyone wealthier than you are!”

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