Business Owners Toolbox Blog Discussions and articles to help the small business owner solve the challenges they face as they grow their business.

April 10, 2012

To Thrive, Banish Doom and Gloom

“I let myself get discouraged by telling and retelling the same old story of woe about how bad things were. This was killing the business. During the plan workshop, I wrote it all out in excruciating detail, took one last look and then tore it up in little pieces. Now the slate is clean for the coming year. From now on, I’m talking about how we’re laying the groundwork for recovery.”

You do the same. And don’t hang with doom and gloomers; stick with the problem solvers.

“The last two years have been humbling. I saw how arrogant I’d been. We assumed that growth would just keep going. But when the phone stopped ringing, we had to relearn Marketing 101. For example, setting targets for number of new clients, and tactics how to bring them in. We should have been doing this all along.”

This is one of the lessons in How to Thrive in Tough Times—Lessons From Small Business Owners–my newest ebook, just posted on Amazon for Kindle, iPad, etc. for $2.99.

When All Else Fails, Try Marketing

Marketing in 2008. *Ring! Ring!* “Hello! Joe’s Plumbing, this is Joe. How may we help you?…Sure! I think we could handle that. What about next Tuesday?…Thank you!” Joe scribbles on calendar. *Ring! Ring!* “Hello, Joe’s Plumbing.”

Marketing starting in 2009. . . . . . Joe sitting at desk twiddling his fingers. “Hum dee dum”…….. The phone is not ringing.

Marketing now. (Joe picks up phone and dials.) “Hi, Pat, this is Joe of Joe’s Plumbing. Haven’t talked with you in awhile. I just wanted to call and tell you how much we appreciate your business. We’re having a special! For the next 30 days, you can get ….”

Joe was really good at plumbing but he didn’t like marketing. But, at long last, he turned to his partner and said, “Everything else has failed. I guess we’ll have to try some marketing.”

Now, you may think this is an exaggeration, but I can’t tell you how many business owners I work with treat regular outreach to their best customers and prospects as a last option.

How about you?

Make some calls. Pick up the phone. Call some of your best customers and those you’d like to be working with.

Show your face. 80% of selling is just showing up. This is more important than all the rest of the high falutin’ stuff people tell you.

Ask, “Who’s buying?” Too often, we focus on who’s NOT buying.

Ask, “Where do we get the biggest bang for our marketing buck?”

Set a reachable target, and track your progress. Be accountable to someone else, so you don’t let it slip out of your consciousness.

If what you used to do doesn’t work, do something else. What will work best in this business climate to reach those you want to work with, and entice them to do business with you?

Want to see some more of this? How to Thrive in Tough Times—Lessons From Small Business Owners is my newest ebook, just posted on Amazon for Kindle, iPad, etc. for $2.99. Worth every cent!

April 3, 2012

Can you stop a former staffer from poaching your clients?

From question on Quora. Several attorneys addressed the legal side of this question, then I added my 2¢.

MVH. The bigger question is, from now on, how do you get your clients to identify with your company rather than with a particular employee. Do clients work only with one of your staffers, or do they draw on the team?

Some can be drawn away by the promise of lower fees, but a client who leaves solely on price may not be a very good client anyway.

This is a good time to ask your clients how you could serve them better. Give them a call; put in some face time. If they’re already grumbling about you, then they’re ripe to be picked off by a competitor, including your ex. In that sense, this event could be an important wake up call for you.

Sometimes clients come back after a time, because the newly independent guy cannot provide the level of service they are used to. Keep in touch.

And finally, sometimes you’ve just got to let it be. After all, how many of us started our businesses with a few customers from our former employer? It’s the chain of business continuity. Look at it as a form of giving back.

Then go out and beat this guy in the market place with your superior service!

Sustainable Business

Filed under: Thrive in tough times — Mike Van Horn @ 10:55 am

Question on LinkedIn: What does sustainability mean for business?

MVH answer. Great question! Sustainability means using a resource so that it lasts and renews, doesn’t get used up, and doesn’t have a negative impact on its environment.

For a business, this would mean that it is self-sustaining and self-renewing.

It has to make a profit.

It has to provide support for its owners and employees, and contribute to their long-term well-being.

It must generate a surplus to carry it through tough times and to provide a fund for growth.

It must provide a benefit to its community of customers; otherwise it cannot operate profitably.

It must innovate (i.e., “evolve”) in order to stay competitive and keep attracting its customers.

It must be a vehicle for the creative energies of its owners and other key people, so that it will retain their interest.

A business—especially a small business—is a reflection of the skills and passions of the entrepreneur. It is his/her vehicle to provide value to the community of customers. The more it thrives, the more people are benefitted—customers and employees and other stakeholders.

In this way, a successful business does more than just sustain itself and the resources it draws upon. It becomes an increasing source of wealth. A community of such businesses builds a strong multiplier effect throughout the community and economy.


How to Thrive in Tough Times

14 quick lessons, based on the actions of successful small business owners I work with:


Banish doom and gloom

Keep your customers

Ask “Who’s buying?”

Go for cash flow

Don’t take unprofitable work

Watch your money like a hawk.

Collect money faster

Don’t keep unnecessary labor, but sustain your team


Take care of yourself

Don’t stop paying yourself

Focus on running your business

Envision your recovery

Seek new opportunities

Ready your recovery fund

Inspire your team

Snap up resources


Details on these in my new ebook “How to Thrive in Tough Times—Lessons from Successful Business Owners.”

April 2, 2012

Small Businesses Are Growing Again!

I’m hearing good news from the owners I work with–from all kinds and sizes of businesses. Here are a few things from our plan workshop participants:

  • “I have my business back! New clients are coming in. We’re getting referrals. Our energy is back up. Customers are calling and asking for more services. It’s back to the way it was before the downturn.
  • “It’s looking like a big year. Big projects of various types. We’re again looking for a second location to expand into.
  • “I’ve always self-financed. But this growth spurt will take some outside financing. Three of my customers have offered to put money in.”

I’m sharing these because too many of you are still playing the doom and gloom song. It’s time to snap out of it and start looking at how you can prepare to take advantage of the upswing. Here are a few more:

  • “This time last year I was nose down in production. Now I’ve got two good production managers—one for each shift—and I’m focusing on getting our new retail location ready for the April launch date.
  • “My client list is full. The danger is, I’ll get complacent and stop marketing.
  • “I took my nine managers offsite last Monday to brainstorm the details of opening our new place this spring. What I see is that the only way I can be a real CEO of my company is to work with them in this way and stay out of day-to-day management.
  • “They asked if I could give them a lower rate, since times are tough. I responded, ‘Sorry I just can’t do that.’ They talked for a minute, then responded, ‘Okay.’ Since then they’ve started giving me even more work—at my regular price!”

Want to see some more of this? How to Thrive in Tough Times—Lessons From Small Business Owners is my newest ebook, just posted on Amazon for Kindle, iPad, etc. for $2.99. Worth every cent!

March 27, 2012

Business Culture of Innovation and Growth: Netflix

Filed under: Culture of Growth — Tags: , , — Mike Van Horn @ 9:04 am

Thanks to Frédéric Filloux, of Monday Note, March 18, 2012, for permission to adapt his post.

Does your company’s business culture support your desired growth? Here’s a culture statement from Reed Hastings, CEO of Netflix, which has rocked the streaming media sector like never before. How does your culture compare?  How could you apply these? Are there things here you think would not apply to your company? Why not? Leave a comment below.

Here’s an excerpt:

Behavior and skills. “We hire and promote people who demonstrate:

1. Judgment

2. Communication: Listening others and articulating views

3. Impact: “You focus on great results rather than on process. You exhibit bias-to-action, and avoid analysis-paralysis”

4. Curiosity : “You learn rapidly and eagerly”, “You contribute effectively outside of your specialty”

5. Innovation: “You challenge prevailing assumptions when warranted, and suggest better approaches ”

6. Courage: “You say what you think even if it is controversial”, “You make tough decisions without agonizing”, “You take smart risks”

7. Passion: “You inspire others with your thirst for excellence”, “You celebrate wins”, “You are tenacious”

8. Honesty: “You are quick to admit mistakes”

9. Selflessness: “You are ego-less when searching for the best ideas.”

Other Netflix core values include:

— “Great Workplace [means working with] Stunning Colleagues : Great workplace is not espresso, lush benefits, sushi lunches, grand parties, or nice offices. We do some of these things, but only if they are efficient at attracting and retaining stunning colleagues.”

— “Corporate Team:  The more talent we have, the more we can accomplish, so our people assist each other all the time. Internal “cutthroat” or “sink or swim” behavior is rare and not tolerated.”

— “Hard Work = Not Relevant : We do care about accomplishing great work. Sustained B-level performance, despite “A for effort”, generates a generous severance package, with respect. Sustained A-level performance, despite minimal effort, is rewarded with more responsibility and great pay.”

— No room for what Hastings call “Brilliant Jerks”. His verdict:  “Cost to effective teamwork is too high.”

— About processes: “Process-focus Drives More Talent Out. Process Brings Seductively Strong Near-Term Outcome.  Then the Market Shifts… Market shifts due to new technology or competitors or business models. [Then] Company is unable to adapt quickly because the employees are extremely good at following the existing processes, and process adherence is the value system. Company generally grinds painfully into irrelevance.”

— “Good” versus “Bad” Process:
“Good” process helps talented people get more done.
- Letting others know when you are updating code
- Spend within budget each quarter so don’t have to coordinate every spending decision across departments.
- Regularly scheduled strategy and context meetings.”

“Bad” process tries to prevent recoverable mistakes:
- Get pre-approvals for $5k spending
- 3 people to sign off on banner ad creative
- Permission needed to hang a poster on a wall
- Multi-level approval process for projects
- Get 10 people to interview each candidate.”

— ” We realized… [that] We should focus on what people get done, not on how many days worked . Just as we don’t have an 9am-5pm workday policy, we don’t need a vacation policy. No Vacation Policy Doesn’t Mean No Vacation. Netflix leaders set good examples by taking big vacations – and coming back inspired to find big ideas.”

“Expensing, Entertainment, Gift & Travel: “Act in Netflix’s Best Interest” Generally means… Expense only what you would otherwise not spend, and is worthwhile for work. Travel as you would if it were your own money. Disclose non-trivial vendor gifts. Take from Netflix only when it is inefficient to not take, and inconsequential. “Taking” means, for example, printing personal documents at work or making personal calls on work phone: inconsequential and inefficient to avoid.”

February 28, 2012

How to Reinvent Your Business

My advice to a woman whose profession is no longer providing a decent living nor a passionate calling.

Think big, beyond your current profession. Ask how else can you apply your valuable skills.

Think concrete, beyond attractive generalities. Research specific opportunities with the orgs you listed.

Think now, not six months from now. Life is too short to spend another year on the poverty-inducing things you’ve moved past.

Think benefits you provide, beyond particular skills you have. People pay a pittance for skills; they pay well for the ability to produce desired results.

Fill in my Model of Success, pulling together the high demand skills you have. Where is the overlap of what you love doing, what you’re best at, and what big ambitious complex projects demand and will pay for?

Think big projects, where there’s plenty of money for you to get paid well. No more little projects

Think essential roles, big projects where your input is essential and will be well paid, not things where someone can say, Thanks, now go away.

Think lucrative. No more pro bono, or helping those who need you but can’t pay much, at least until you are on sound financial footing yourself.

Think partnering and piggybacking with others, so you’re not trying to create it alone.

Think hard-headed, so you don’t get talked out of good pay for value.

Think high rates, because people don’t value what they don’t pay for.

And never ever subsidize anybody wealthier than you are!

Is Lack of Capital #1 Cause of Business Failure?

What things do people believe about small businesses that just aren’t true?

Small Business Growth Myth #1: Lack of capital is the #1 cause of small business failure.

In my experience, lack of capital is a symptom of other problems in the business. This myth is like saying that heart attacks are a leading cause of death, but forgetting that most heart attacks occur to people who haven’t been taking care of themselves for years.

Same with business. Running out of money is often the endpoint of years of bad decisions. For example:

• Not watching the numbers closely. Not having financial statements you can understand, and not getting or reviewing statements in time. You should tell your bookkeeper/accountant exactly what numbers you need to track, when, and how you want them displayed. If they don’t give you what you want, replace them.

• Not controlling costs. Keeping unnecessary payroll and other expenses. Some owners borrow money to avoid laying people off. During tough times, if you’re not ruthless with expenditures, you won’t have the reserves to take advantage of later opportunities.

• Focusing on revenue instead of profitability, therefore not paying attention to the margin of jobs or sales. Taking any work. “I’ll make it up on volume.” “Maybe they’ll grow to be a big customer.” Don’t bet your business on these beliefs. Insist that every job must make a profit. Make sure you have systems that allow you to allocate costs to profit centers, so you can know the profitability of each thing you sell.

• Under-pricing. Many small businesses try to meet the prices of large, well-capitalized competitors, rather than competing on unique services and features that set them apart and command higher prices. Set your prices to include your desired profit margin.

• Not anticipating needed growth capital, so that a growth spurt causes a cash flow squeeze. It’s very difficult to grow relying on current cash flow. People criticize companies like Apple for amassing a huge cash hoard, without realizing that this is necessary to fund growth, innovation, and keeping options open.

• Having the wrong kind of financing. Financing growth with a short-term line of credit that must be paid off each year, rather than with a 5- to 7-year term loan. And how many of us have financed growth on our credit card, thus saddling ourselves with interest payments that eat up the profit needed to repay the loan?

• Not saving during good times, so that you have a fund for tough times. Too many owners would rather spend than save because they don’t want to pay taxes on the profits.

• Not being “bankable.” For example, if you run your business to minimize taxable income, you’ll never get a bank loan. Try telling your banker that you really do have a profitable business, despite what your tax returns show. Take your banker to lunch, and ask what the bank will need from you in order to approve the loan you will need.

• Not refining your business model to stay competitive and to meet the emerging needs of your customers. Just staying the same because it’s the easy thing to do. The old cliché, “Work on your business, not just in your business,” means that you as owner need to keep looking at opportunities, challenges, alliances, and strategies.

• Ineffective marketing. If you don’t keep looking at what works, refining your offering and outreach, and dumping the rest, your business will slowly decline. Where can you get the most bang for your marketing buck? What ineffective things should you drop? How can you leverage your effort?

I’m sure you can think of others. If you address these problems in your business, you’ll never have to use “I ran out of money” as an excuse.


February 20, 2012

What Does Sustainability Mean for Business?

Filed under: Entrepreneurship,Profit — Tags: , , — Mike Van Horn @ 11:19 pm

Question from James McErlean on LinkedIn

My response: Great question! Sustainability means using a resource so that it lasts and renews, doesn’t get used up, and doesn’t have a negative impact on its environment.

For a business, this would mean that it is self-sustaining and self-renewing.

It has to make a profit.

It has to provide support for its owners and employees, and contribute to their long-term well-being.

It must generate a surplus to carry it through tough times and to provide a fund for growth.

It must provide a benefit to its community of customers; otherwise it cannot operate profitably.

It must innovate (i.e., “evolve”) in order to stay competitive and keep attracting its customers.

It must be a vehicle for the creative energies of its owners and other key people, so that it will retain their interest.

A business—especially a small business—is a reflection of the skills and passions of the entrepreneur. It is his/her vehicle to provide value to the community of customers. The more it thrives, the more people are benefitted—customers and employees and other stakeholders.

In this way, a successful business does more than just sustain itself and the resources it draws upon. It becomes an increasing source of wealth. A community of such businesses builds a strong multiplier effect throughout the community and economy.


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